Friday, May 11, 2007

Is coffee unhealthy for you?

"Coffee is the drug of choice for the majority of North Americans." But is coffee unhealthy for you? According to Leonard Sweet, no. In his book, The Gospel According to Starbucks,

Sweet says that "coffee delivers more health-giving anttioxidants to our diet than fruit, vegetables, and nuts."
Coffee reduces the change of getting Parkinson's disease, liver and colon cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, Type 2 diabetes, and, if you are a fast metabolizer, heart disease.

An added bonus--coffee improves male fertility.
I'm not sure if you want to take Sweet's word on this or not. But I found this interesting.

The question I have is, why do we need three cups of coffee to get through the day? Are we pushing our bodies beyond their limits?


Cynthia said...

I KNEW IT! I love coffee and this proves my point. I drink it because I like it, not because I'm addicted. Is this like reading magazines because of the articles???

Seriously, though, I think we drink it because of the social implications. With so many people dealing with alcohol, coffee is a safe alternative for socializing. Young, old, whatever...there is no age limit. Just grab a grande, a friend, and a chair and your set.

James Nored said...


When you are addicted, any excuse will do! :)

What Starbucks, of course, is selling is not just coffee, but an experience, as you allude to. $4 for good music, time with friends, good atmosphere--oh, and some coffee.

MarcKimVasquez said...

Sounds like someone is lobbying in favor of keeping the location for the Monday night book talk group. haha.

I had a professor in college who said, "All things in moderation." I imagine coffee is on that list too buddy.

For more information on the great things coffee provides, check out

James Nored said...


Sweet did indicate that these beneficial stats only help up to 6 cups a day. Amazingly, there are people who drink more than this. I simply cannot imagine drinking this much.

Yes, I like our locale. We would always love to have you join us. :)