Monday, June 22, 2009

Renovare Blogging 5

The third speaker in today's afternoon session is Dallas Willard.

Dallas is speaking on Servanthood and the Jesus Way. He begins by saying we should ask not just What would Jesus do, but How would Jesus do it?

The basic message of Jesus was about the kingdom. Repentance as Jesus was about in this context was thinking about your thinking, not getting down on one's knees.

When we come to Jesus. We enter into an interactive relationship with God, which is his kingdom. And Jesus' life is our example of this interaction.

At the last supper, what would Jesus want to leave as a last thought for his disciples? Servanthood. He shared this "thought" by washing their feet. Jesus did this, John tells us, knowing that he had come from the Father and would return to the Father. This is a verse that has always stood out to me.

The Jesus Way is to abandon our own kingdoms for God, putting our trust in him. The desire to build our own kingdom has always been thedesire of humanity, going back to Babel.

The language of the kingdom of God and that God is king emerges out of the exile in 2 Chr. No matter what was hppening in the world, God was still king.

Is God enough? Yes. It is in exile that we discover the sufficiency of God. When we turn over the control of our lives, there is great feedom that comes. The cross relieves us from self-control and fees us to serve others.

The reason we struggle with mercy towards others is because we are not servants.

Being a servant is not about individual acts. We live as a servant of Jesus, acted coming into the kingdom.

When we cast our burdens on God, we are freed and can trust that God has our back.

What do you think is the relationship between servanthood and the Kingdom of God?

-- Post From My iPhone