Service— This gift equips one to do practical jobs that others may deem to be tedious or beneath them, but that actually are very much needed to be done. This gift is to be distinguished from helping by its focus on tasks, not people. An example of leading through service is cleaning the church building, sharpening pencils for the pews, or folding bulletins (Jn. 13:3-5).
Janet S., married, judge, mother of one--"I would rather work behind the scenes than in front. While I would not want to be in charge of Vacation Bible School, I enjoy assisting the kids in class and cutting out crafts. I like the library work nights at church where a group of us sit, visit , and work on updating the church library.I had a friend last year who was in a coma. I went to the hospital and read to her several times a week. I was sure that she knew when someone was there and could hear us. I just wanted to do whatever I could for her. Reading to her was the only thing I could come up with. A year later, she has passed away but her husband still mentions what I did. It was a small act of service but obviously appreciated by the family.
I think that family, friends, and co-workers appreciate it when you help out by doing things for them. It may not be spectacular and I may not get an award for it, but I know my son appreciates clean clothes in his drawer each week. If my clerk is busy, she appreciates it when I take a file up front to the clerk's office for her. Hopefully, God's light can shine when we do these simple things."
Katie D., Stay at Home Mom, Mother of two small children--With two small children at home, it can be difficult to put as much time in serving God as I would like. However, there are always tasks that can be done to glorify God. There are many ways to serve. Lately, I have enjoyed cooking meals once per month for some non-members that are having severe health problems. I also enjoy serving on the food committee and preparing food for church members in need.
Participating in projects for the Children's [Outreach] Ministry is also fulfilling. Organizing food boxes for Thanksgiving, distributing school supplies, and wrapping presents and delivering them have helped me fulfill my desire to serve God.
Do you have the gift of Service? How have you used this gift?
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