Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Recent Spiritual Gifts Seminar Testimonies

This past Saturday, I gave a Spiritual gifts seminar at Prince of Peace Catholic Community in Plano, Texas. I was surprised to receive this call, but very honored to go and teach about this biblical subject. The participants were gracious, open, and appreciative.

We need to have dialogue and interaction with all peoples of faith, something which the early leaders of the Restoration Movement--and the apostles--were very good at. I certainly was blessed by the experience, and I hope that they were as well. Two even indicated that they would like to email me and dialogue or come and visit us.

Below are some testimonies of those who attended the seminar, and a few results from the feedback survey.

Maggie Herrod - "James Nored gave one of the best seminars I've ever attended. The Power Point presentation was informative and inspiring. And he engaged the participants in discussion questions, which allowed them to get even more out of the seminar. I learned a lot about identifying and using Spiritual Gifts as a result of his seminar."

Luis Boy - "Loved it. Very well persuaded."

Steve Barrett - "James, you pace yourself well. You are able to project the level of passion for the topic without becoming overbearing. Great job."

Agnes Williamson - "The presentation was excellent--thought provoking and well organized."

Feedback Survey
1. The seminar presenter was knowledgeable about Spiritual gifts and well-prepared for the seminar. 4.8 out of 5

2. The seminar presenter was engaging and interesting. 4.7 out of 5

3. Prior to the seminar, I would rank my knowledge and understanding of Spiritual Gifts as a: 2.8 out of 5

4.After going through the seminar, I would rank my knowledge and understanding of Spiritual gifts as a: 4.3 out of 5

5. I would recommend this seminar to other churches or individuals. 4.8 out of 5

I really believe that Spiritual gifts discovery and use helps individuals and churches tremendously, and I am now happy to offer this seminar. For a look at the work I have written on Spiritual gifts, Using Your Spiritual Gifts: Serving Like Jesus, see

Have you found Spiritual gifts teaching and discovery helpful in learning how to serve God and others in a more fulfilling way?


Anonymous said...

Having recently met with James to discover and explore my strengths and spiritual gifts, I have found it so affirming and encouraging. I now better understand what it is that I should be doing in service to the Lord and why some other things I had tried were just not a good fit. Thank you, James, for using YOUR God given talents and strengths to help equip others.

James Nored said...

My friend, I'm so glad that you found it to be helpful. Few things give me as much joy as helping people discover how they can best be used by God. Thanks for sharing!