I'm at the FriendSpeak training seminar at the High Pointe Church of Christ. FriendSpeak is the domestic version of Let's Start Talking, a way of sharing one's faith by helping people people practice their Englush. This is done in one on one conversations with readings from the gospel of Luke.
Ben Woodward, the national FriendSpeak director, is our presenter. Ben and I and our families spent a lot of time together from Let's Start Talking.
Ben is sharing some interesting statistics about language in the US.
- 53.3% of foreigners were born in Latin America
- 25% of foreigners were born in Asia
- After Spanish, Chinses is the 3rd most spoken language in the US
- In Texas, 30% speak a language other than English in their homes
Obviously, there are huge opportunities here to share the gospel through conversational English! Present today are Jim and Donna Hannah, Courtney Berry, Bill Goodwin, Dan Rodriquez, Jane Tallant, ima Jean Reynolds, Steve Goff, and Betay Viana. Several others have expressed interest but could not be present.
I am excited about the restarting of this ministry!
HI James,
I tried replying to your tweet to me, but your twitter settings won't let me direct message you for some reason, and I can't find an email for you :-)
I'd love to talk about how you might interact with our D.Min students, to learn from your missional work.
Warmly, Jason Clark
I'm at jclark@georgefox.edu
Hi Jason. I'm up late tonight. It's good to hear from you.
I checked Twitter--you should be able to direct message me now. My email is jnored@yahoo.com.
Sure, I would be glad to talk with you about how to interact with you D.Min. students.
Let's talk soon.
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